


OCD services offered in Newburyport, MA

Are you meticulous about certain things and struggle to break free from obsessions or compulsions? At Safe Harbor Psychiatry in Newburyport, Massachusetts, the experienced team treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children ages 6 and older, teenagers, and adults. Schedule an in-person or telehealth psychiatric evaluation at Safe Harbor Psychiatry by phone or request one online today. 

What is OCD?

OCD is a disorder characterized by compulsions (ritualistic behaviors) and obsessive or disturbing thought patterns. While the condition isn’t necessarily cause for concern, treating it can maximize your quality of life, including your personal and professional life. 

See the Safe Harbor Psychiatry experts if you have bothersome OCD symptoms and need help overcoming them. 

Which symptoms can OCD cause?

OCD can cause the following symptoms:

  • Fear of germs or dirt
  • Frequent hand washing
  • Repeated doubts about turning off a stove
  • Being extremely orderly
  • Intrusive or distressing thoughts
  • Repetitive behaviors
  • A need for symmetry or perfection
  • Constantly checking for locked doors
  • Having rigid rules
  • Alphabetizing spices
  • Arranging canned goods all facing the same way
  • Anxiety or other mood disorders
  • Unfounded fears

When left untreated, ritualistic behaviors can become disruptive, excessive, time-consuming, or distressing and interfere with your job, school, or relationships. 

What are the risk factors for OCD?

OCD seems to run in families, often beginning in adolescence or adulthood. Its risk factors include brain abnormalities, genetics, and environmental factors. For example, you might learn OCD behaviors from a family member or friend.

Other risks included stressful or traumatic life events, depression, anxiety, tic disorders, eating disorders, or substance misuse. 

How is OCD diagnosed?

Your Safe Harbor Psychiatry provider discusses your medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle during an in-person or virtual psychiatric evaluation. They also address your emotions, thoughts, mood, and behaviors to determine if you have OCD or another mental health disorder. 

Safe Harbor Psychiatry offers genetic testing to determine which medicines are likely the most effective based on your genes. 

How is OCD treated?

Safe Harbor Psychiatry customizes OCD treatments that may include taking medications, undergoing therapy, and making lifestyle changes. 

The practice offers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure and response prevention (ERP), and other therapies that help you overcome crippling OCD symptoms and live your best life.

Safe Harbor Psychiatry provides individualized, couples, family, and group therapy to help you overcome problematic obsessions and compulsions in a safe, healthy manner.

It’s also crucial to maintain a strong social support network, exercise regularly, minimize stress, and get enough sleep. The Safe Harbor Psychiatry team can treat mood disorders and other mental health concerns that may accompany OCD. 

Schedule an in-person or telehealth OCD evaluation at Safe Harbor Psychiatry by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.